Esther of the Bible – Queen of Covert Ops & the Custom of Purim
Shalom and greetings from Jerusalem.
The scroll of Esther, that is, the name Hadassah daughter of Avihail has given herself as she was hiding in plain sight. (The queen of covert ops, Esther’s original name is Hadassah daughter of Avihail, as per the “scroll of Esther”)
Esther is the only book of the Bible that the name of the Lord is not present as the Lord also was hiding in plain sight.
This story is similar in it the fact that not for the first time and not for the last time a mighty and powerful empire seeks to destroy this tiny and numerically insignificant people.
At this time, the fifth century before Christ after the fall of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar, the destroyer of nations, all of the Hebrews live under the Rule of the Persian Empire.
Why did the grand Vizier of this Empire put it in his head that he must destroy a tiny Jewish people and what was his rationale for this madness?
In Esther 3-5 Mordechai would not bow to him and in Esther 3-8 interesting that many years in to the future, a different self made dictator would use very slimier arguments of a people scattered among all nations.
The stage is set and conflict the essence of drama is about to play out Haman was not Aware of a event and Haman was not Aware in Esther 2-21 of the force of the unseen hand of the Director of the play that is present whet not seen is this book of the Bible.
Haman Allows low base instincts megalomania and rage to govern him and the clarity of mind and purity of heart to attain this level awareness will forever be beyond his reach and of they how follow in his path.
Although the explicit name of the lord is absent, his presence is not. The lord did not manifest plague and pliers of smoke and fire as he did in the exudes of Egypt but to many small coincidence to many dots that at first glance and on a superficial level have nothing what so ever to do with each other. However…
And then we get the right people, at the right place, at the right time willing to take a risk and suffer to do the right thing that this cycle of exile and genocide ends.
As ended the exile of Egypt and so ended the exile of Mesopotamia and the seed for the second Jewish state is planted the one Jesus Christ will be borne into.
Esther 10-3 teaches that Mordechai was great and appreciated by most of his people but some resented his risky actions.
But this night of Purim we feast and drink as they did in old Susa and we disguise our-self with a custom to remember how one young women went undercover and hid herself in plain sight to act her role in the grand design.
About the Author:
Edan Geva, archeologist, philosopher, political scientist, lecturer, tour guide and real Galilean from Galilee.