Armageddon, the Greek name for Tel Megiddo. The prophesied location of armies for a battle during the end times.
The word Armageddon appears only once in the Greek New Testament, in Revelation 16:16. The word is transliterated to Greek from Hebrew meaning “a mountain or range of hills.
“Mount” Tel Megiddo is actually a “tell” not a mountain, which is created by many generations living and rebuilding on the same spot. The earth rises with each addition.
Note: the word “Armageddon” is also used in a generic sense to refer to any end of the world type scenario.

Megiddo is mentioned twelve times in the Old Testament, ten times in reference to the ancient city of Megiddo, and twice with reference to “the plain of Megiddo”, most probably simply meaning “the plain next to the city”. None of these Old Testament passages describes the city of Megiddo as being associated with any particular prophetic beliefs. The one New Testament reference to the city of Armageddon found in Revelation 16:16 also makes no specific mention of any armies being predicted to one day gather in this city, but instead seems to predict only that “they (will gather) the kings together to …. Armageddon”.
Source: wikipedia
Megiddo drew much of its importance from its strategic location at the northern end of the Wadi Ara defile (extreme narrow passage/gorge), which acts as a pass through the Carmel Ridge, and from its position overlooking the rich Jezreel Valley from the west. Excavations have unearthed 26 layers of ruins, indicating a long period of settlement.
Source: Wikipedia